Our mission is to create and maintain a Christian environment conducive to sober living for men in recovery from addiction who are also transitioning from incarceration at the Worcester County House of Correction.
Reconciliation House is a MASH certified, non-profit 501c3 sober home in Webster, MA. We provide housing for up to six men in recovery from addiction who have completed the Substance Options Treatment Program at the Worcester County House of Correction, a six-month intensive substance abuse rehabilitation program. We accept individuals who are on parole, probation, COAP, or who have completed their jail sentence. We are funded by grants, donations, and weekly rent paid by its residents.

Every fall Reconciliation House hosts an annual fundraising dinner at Point Breeze Restaurant on Webster Lake. Monies raised at the dinner provide the majority of the Reconciliation House income each year. In the spring, we also host a 5K Walk/Run at Memorial Beach in Webster which functions as an additional fundraising activity for the House. For a list of donors, click here.