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Every person has the chance to make a change for good — no matter how big or small. Whatever amount you can give, or time you are willing to dedicate, know that your contribution makes a difference in the lives of others. Your donation, together with those of our other supporters, brings us ever closer to our goals. We are sincerely grateful for the one-going generosity towards Reconciliation House, Inc. Wwould not be able to keep our doors open without our benefactors, whom since 2016, include:

365Z Foundation

AJ Alkire/Point Breeze

Applied Roofing

Axial Financial Group

Bull Hound Shuttle

Central MA Auto Auction

Choice 1 Temps

Deputy Superintendent David Tuttle

Dr. and Mrs. John Howland


Galaxy Realty

Harrington Hospital

Hickey Fleet Services, LLC

Hyde Charitable Foundation

Janet Malser Humanities Trust

JV Mechanical

Kathleen O’Connor, Esq. and Mr. Tom Ritacco

Keegan, Werlin LLP

Lakeview Marine

Lighthouse Financial

LKQ Route 16 Auto Parts

Long Subaru

Lux Auto Parts

Mapfre Insurance

Martha A. Pond, LLC

Masscop 473

Milton CAT

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hickey

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pappas

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. David Hurton

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cormier

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ford

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minasian

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Milliard

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tupaj

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Doherty

Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waskewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin David

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Pacos

Mr. and Mrs. Marco Arango

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lussier 

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shaw

Mr. and Mrs. Mick Kalber

Mr. and Mrs. Paul LaFramboise

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lowe

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kosciusko

Mr. and Mrs. Randy Becker

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Travis

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackmer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craver

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keith

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willis

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Abdow

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Frohbieter

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Washburn

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Steven Symes

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bent

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Waskewicz

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rafferty

Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher

Mr. and the Rev. Mrs. Rodney Ford

Mr. Alan Parisse

Mr. Bruce Long

Mr. Chris Jolda

Mr. David Johnson

Mr. Dominick Barbara

Mr. Doug Willardson

Mr. Gerry Berube

Mr. Greg Lynskey

Mr. John Coronel

Mr. John Lotka

Mr. Jonathan Hanks

Mr. Joe Machado

Mr. Ken Candido

Mr. Rick Jerr

Mr. Robert Dieana

Mr. Roland Malboeuf

Mr. Thomas Klebart

Mr. Thomas Powell

Mr. Travis Thompson

Mr. William Jones

Mrs. Betty Edwards

Mrs. Christina Beesley

Mrs. Elaine Davies

Mrs. Patricia Hurton

Mrs. Elizabeth Raphaelson

Mrs. Janis Swain

Mrs. Lesa Vaudrauil

Mrs. Louise McKenna

Ms. Anne Intrieri

Ms. Barbara Zurawski

Ms. Bianca Colon

Ms. Cassandra Najjar

Ms. Cinda McKinney

Ms. Crystal de Angelo

Ms. Debra Dowd-Foley

Ms. Fiorella Favaro

Ms. Janice Daniels

Ms. Jennifer Findlay

Ms. Julia Podendorny

Ms. Kristen Cahill

Ms. Lesie Quinchia

Ms. Linda Battaglioli

Ms. Linda Mulles

Ms. Maureen O’Connor

Nancy LaFramboise

Naomi Kunkel

Nate Doran and Kate Kendall

O’Connor Insurance

Page Chiropractic

Pam Holt

Pam O’Sullivan

Pratt Trucking

Ray Dan Mil LLC

Recovery Centers of America

Representative Joseph McKenna

Richard Welch

Robert Perodeau

Robin Carlo

Rottman’s Furniture

Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church

Scanlon Funeral Home

Sheriff Lewis Evangelidis

Sitkowski, Malboeuf and Hickey Funeral Homes

Steve Cirillo

Tara Rivera

Teena Nixon

The Episcopal Diocese of Western MA

The Estate of Yvonne R. Ford

The Hon. Andrew Abdella

The Hon. Joseph Early

The Hon. Timothy Bibaud

The Rev. Adam Reid

The Rev. Laura Goodwin

The Rev. Nancy Strong

The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Scruton

The Rt. Rev. Douglas Fisher

Trinity Episcopal Church, Milford, MA

Val Sender

Vincent Bono

Webster Emergency Medical Services

Webster First Federal Credit Union

Webster Five

Webster Fraternal Order of Police

Worcester County Sheriff’s Association




Thanks for submitting!

Mr. Stephen Washburn, RHI President
Mr. Mark C. Rogers, RHI Executive Director-- MCR Global Consulting
Ms. Halina Jachimczk, RHI Treasurer--Webster First Federal Credit Union
Mr. James Alkire--RHI Director--Owner--Point Breeze Restaurant, Webster, MA
Ms. Meagan Gaine, RHI Director--AIC Director, UMASS@Harrington Hospital
Mr. Edward Mello, RHI Director--Owner--Center Point Doors
Sgt. Joseph Reed--RHI Director--Webster Police Department
Mr. David Hurton--RHI Director--COO, Total Compliance Solutions, Inc.

Lesa Vaudreuil, RHI Director--Addiction Counselor, Worcester County HOC


Reconciliation House, Inc. 

5 North Main St. Webster, MA 01570

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